N3 Experience

Artificial Intelligence is set to reshape the world as we know it, and its impact is already evident. As global complexities increase daily, the need for both individual and collective direction becomes clear. Our ancestors looked to the stars as navigational guides – can we do the same?

N3 represents Now, Next, and Never: our current reality, our aspirations, and our uncertainties.

Now : To grasp our current position and understand how past revolutions continue to influence us.

Next : To explore what drives us forward - our dreams and vision for a brighter future.

Never : To pose critical questions that ensure AI benefits for both present and future generations.

Each perspective offers a unique lens for understanding and reflection; serving as a cardinal point on an abstract compass. Through the fusion of partner’s technologies, space design, digital arts and interactive installations, the N3 Immersive Exhibition explores the topic of AI in a way unseen yet. We warmly invite you to experience its premiere.


↳ Now area

↳ Corridor to the Next area

How can we envision and experience what doesn’t exist yet? As groundbreaking research unfolds, our visions of the future are driven by our imaginations. This pavilion dares to merge rational and artistic approaches, blurring the boundaries between disciplines and inviting people from diverse sectors to engage in inclusive and open conversations.

We hear about revolutions and game changers daily, but what does it mean for real people? The Hive aims to highlight the human-centric impacts of AI. Explore the future of communities and experience firsthand what the city of tomorrow might look like.

↳ The Hive, panoramic screen controlled from a large touchscreen (680 * 290 cm)

Fields like research and large-scale modeling can be difficult to grasp, yet they play a crucial role in shaping our future. The Fragments series seeks to foster a creative dialogue between technology partners and digital art, creating a complementary relationship that enhances both.

↳ The Fragments, four corner screens (240 × 210 cm each)

↳ Fragment close-up (Unreal 5.2.4)


The Fragments were commissioned by Fabrice Starzinskas to address several themes around AI and its related impact on knowledge, sciences, interfaces and lifeforms…

While giving me free rein, he challenged me to create four computational artworks using Unreal Engine 5.2.4, which would serve as visual aids for the presentation of their associated sponsor and research projects (Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Huwawei, Google Cloud, Nvidia Earth 2).

I decided to focus on expressing those views on AI, featuring computational systems and their intriguing behaviors. These were design using Unreal blueprints, Niagara systems and UDS to revolve throughout the day, reinforcing the feeling of an ever-renewing technological landscape.


↳ The Presence, projection mapping on semi-transparent fabric (8000 × 290 cm)

AI is all around us, it has been for years and will be for the foreseeable future. As our devices become smaller and our interfaces more intuitive, we are approaching a seamless integration with AI. The Presence installation uses physical space to illustrate the depth of our connection with it. Its content results from a collaboration between creative AI tools and digital artists.


↳ Pillars of stability, fourteen screens sync to a large touchscreen (52 * 290 cm each)

↳ Never area tour

How can we ensure we're on a virtuous path? After exploring the present and envisioning possible futures through emotional experiences, it's time to form our own opinions and recognize our potential impact—and thus, our responsibilities. This final pavilion emphasizes the importance of preparing ourselves, both individually and collectively, to tackle upcoming challenges directly.

– Credits


I'm available to work and collaborate :),
follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram or Github.

10049 Berlin

+33 (0)7 87 57 48 91

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